Celebrating Our 45th Jubilee in 2023!

Save The Date – 29 January 2023

The UST Education High School Graduates Association Inc. (EHSGAI) will have its face-to-face Grand Alumni Homecoming on Sunday, January 29, 2023 at the UST Buenaventura G. Paredes, O.P. Building’s Grand Ballroom (site of the old Gymnasium along P. Noval Street), from 9AM to 4PM. The program will include a Mass, a luncheon, and recognition of Jubilarians in which each alumni will be given a special medallion.

We will be celebrating our 45th Jubilee (Sapphire) and as such, our batch will be recognized during this Grand Alumni Homecoming. We are hoping for a big turnout of EHS Batch 78!

UST & EHS Tours


Members of 4R2 recently went on a nostalgic tour of the grounds and hallways of the UST Education Building, now known as the Albertus Magnus Building. Philippe Hernandez, the current English Supervising Teacher welcomed us and gamely played tour guide as well as official tour photographer. His knowledge of EHS history is quite impressive! He punctuated his commentary on the changes that the building and the school have gone through, with historical facts relevant to our batch! We had a chance to meet some of the other supervising teachers, and we all agreed that we don’t remember our supervising teachers at EHS looking as young as the current crop! After the tour of the EHS building, which included “special” access to the EHS Auditorium, an unexpected light merienda awaited us at the EHS Administration Office.

The group also visited the UST Alumni Center and promptly applied for UST Alumni Cards (which fortunately is accepted as a valid ID to avail of senior discounts in the Philippines – helpful to visiting alumni based abroad).

We strongly recommend such a tour to everyone. You will be positively amazed by the physical changes in the UST campus. If anyone is interested, please use our online contact form and we’ll help with the necessary introductions. Special thanks to Dennis Paras for orchestrating the tour with Philippe!



On October 24, 2022, it was 4P2’s turn to visit our alma mater. Atty. Conrado Sajor arranged for the tour which was attended by Edwin Kraft, Avel Reyes (visiting from Guam), Robert Reyes (visiting from California, USA), and Luis Roca.


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If you have articles, anecdotes, short stories, photos, videos, or anything you wish to contribute to enrich our batch website, please feel free to connect with us using our online contact form.

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Protecting your privacy is a responsibility we take very seriously. We therefore do not post an online directory with contact information of EHS Batch 78 alumni. We may occasionally contact EHS Batch 78 alumni by mail, email, instant mesages, or telephone to disseminate information on batch events, and opportunities for fundraising. We do not share personal and contact information with third parties. View our full Privacy Statement.

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