The University of Santo Tomas Education High School Batch 78 (UST-EHS 78) website ( exists to provide the high school batch alumni and the general public with information and online services. We are committed to protecting the privacy rights of those who use our website.

Purpose & Types of Information Collected

Website Visitor Information

The UST-EHS 78 public website does not collect personal information (as defined as an individual’s name, address, phone number) without your consent. When you visit the UST-EHS 78 public website, the server automatically collects a limited amount of information via the use of “cookies.” (Cookies are temporary Internet files that are downloaded to your computer or mobile device when you visit a website.) Information collected includes your IP address, the name of your Internet service provider, information concerning your browser and operating system, pages visited, length of time of webpages and geographical information. website visitor information is collected in aggregate form and is not identifiable to an individual visitor. This information is used in connection with the operation and security of the site and to perform statistical analysis of user trends and interests which supports marketing efforts and helps UST-EHS 78 website administrators make the site more useful to visitors.

Website Analytics

Our website uses Awstats, a service which transmits website traffic data to our web server. Awstats does not identify individual users or associate your IP address with any other data. We use reports provided by Awstats to help us understand website traffic and webpage usage. By using this website, you consent to the processing of your data by Awstats.

Personal Information

The UST-EHS 78 public website does not collect personal information (as defined as an individual’s name, address, phone number) without your consent. Some functionality of this website may require the provision of personal information (for example, completion of donation forms, submission to the alumni directory, event registration), however, visitors can choose to opt out of such actions. Simply put, we do not collect personal information that identifies an individual unless you voluntarily choose to provide such information.

Security & Disclosure of Information

Securing Personal Information

In cases where personal information is voluntarily submitted, UST-EHS 78 will take reasonable steps to protect any personal information you choose to share with the website administrators in a controlled, secure environment. Web forms that request personal and/or sensitive information such as credit card details are built with a Secure Socket Layer (SSL) which enables the secure encrypted transmission of this data.

Disclosure of Information

Any personal information that you provide online will be secured in a password-protected database and will only be accessible to authorized UST-EHS 78 website administrators unless specifically otherwise stated (for example, in the case of the alumni directory).

Personal information voluntarily submitted through the UST-EHS 78 is only shared with authorized UST-EHS 78 alumni and website administrators and all such individuals must understand and adhere to the UST-EHS 78 website privacy policies.

UST-EHS 78 does not sell or rent any personal information obtained through our website with any other organization or business. In a few limited cases, in the course of regular business operations, UST-EHS 78 may need to provide a contracted third-party entity with basic personal information in order that they may fulfill their contractual obligation. In such cases, only required information is provided and the contracted third-party must adhere to the UST-EHS 78’s privacy policy. An example of such a situation would be the provision of constituent name and address information to a mailing house (ex. MailChimp) hired to disseminate a UST-EHS 78 publication.

Private forum for UST-EHS 78 alumni

Beyond the public website (, we also maintain a private group on Facebook ( where only members can see who are members of the group and what they post.

Links to Other Sites

The UST-EHS 78 public website may include links to other organizations’ websites. While we aim to link only to secure sites with appropriate content, please note that UST-EHS 78 is in no way responsible or liable for any external websites.

Opting Out

At any time, should you wish to review or have deleted, personal information that you submitted on the website, please use the online form at

Contact Information

For more information relating to our website privacy statement, please use the online form at